The Quran Beheld is the title of the translation of the Quran by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. This was a seventeen year project in which he sat with Sheikh Ali Hani, a scholar of Arabic and tafsir (Quranic commentary), and took from him the explanation of each verse of the Quran. Together they read through the tafsir of the Quran two complete times. The recording of the second reading of eight years is the content of this website.
The material is still being edited for polishing and will be uploaded as completed.
An additional project is currently underway of a detailed and comprehensive tafsir of each verse of the Quran. This will also be added to the website as completed, inshallah.
للبحث عن آية معينة في القرآن الكريم، اكتب “رقم السورة.ورقم الآية” في خانة البحث التالية واضغط إدخال
Tafsir audio files available for
Surah 1 Ayah 1 – Surah 21 Ayah 112
تفسير الملفات الصوتية المتاحة حالياً لِ
السورة رقم 1 الآية رقم 1 – السورة رقم 21 الآية رقم 112
Surah 1, Surah 2, Surah 3, Surah 4, Surah 5, Surah 6, Surah 7, Surah 8, Surah 9, Surah 10
Surah 11, Surah 12, Surah 13, Surah 14, Surah 15, Surah 16, Surah 17, Surah 18, Surah 19
Surah 20 (NEW POST)
Surah 21 (NEW POST)